Let's hit the rewind button real quick. Skip back to May 2012 ... I was freshly graduated from Oregon College of Art and Craft with my Bachelors in Fine Art and Craft in Drawing and Painting. I wasn't just a graduate, I was still a newlywed by a couple months and I was ready to create art that was true to me and not just for homework. During my Thesis year at OCAC, we learned not just about creating a body of art, but also about the business side of being an artist. A local art lawyer came and spoke to us about everything from registering LLCs to copyright infringements. That's when I knew that one day I wanted to create a LLC that wouldn't limit me creative endeavors.
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Everyone has seen at least one person post online to wedding groups: “looking for affordable photographer,” “wanting photographer who doesn’t cost an arm and a leg,” “need wedding photographer for $500,” “on extreme budget, looking for cheap photographer.” As a professional wedding photographer, I don’t reply to these posts. Why? I see my time and expertise valued at a certain amount. Sure, I could bring in all the nickels and dimes and eventually I’ll be making the big bucks. But there’s a lot of things to consider when taking on such an honor of capturing someone’s wedding day.
Hello!I hope you stay awhile. This is where I will talk about my paintings, processes, photography & adventures, post processing, social media, and more. Categories
November 2023
© Western Rose Studios, LLC 2014 - 2022
Salem, Oregon Artist, Photographer & Educator |