Tonight I had the pleasure to photography fashionista, Alisha in downtown Albany. It was the perfect location for a fashion savvy professional with exposed brick and lookouts over the Willamette River. Alisha has some great fashion advice, "I believe that if you style something right, you can make it look more expensive than it was." Case and point, she disclosed her leggings were only $5 and they looked like they were made for her, no matter the cost. I just loved how her outfit was comfortable, form-fitting in all the right areas, and looked classy because she pared it with the right accessories. Another tip Alisha gave is that there's power in what you surround yourself even if it's just the thought behind it. Quartz is said to have healing powers and she likes to wear stones that are supposed to help make you feel good. Her necklace is a quartz pendant that used to be her mother's and her ring is a rose quartz. Not only was her style on point, the weather was just about perfect for a walk along the riverfront in the golden sunshine. What is your favorite power piece of jewelry or place to visit? If you're in the Willamette Valley, try downtown Albany, Oregon, or swing over to Mod Pod in nearby Corvallis and check out their ring selection (hint: Alisha found her amazing rose quartz ring there). And for any photographers wondering, I used my favorite combo to capture all of these images.
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November 2023
© Western Rose Studios, LLC 2014 - 2022
Salem, Oregon Artist, Photographer & Educator |